Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Route 66

I firmly believe that one will never get a good understanding of what America is about unless you get off the highway. You see the beauty that makes this country great as well as the ugly and in reality its all beautiful in its own way.  Highways you fly by everything.  You see the same chain restaurants and gas stations.  Its all the same sugar coated, waxed over, gentrified stuff mile after mile.

2 lanes is where you will find the heart of America.  With every mom and pop diner and roadside oddity you experience what makes this country great.  There is no other road better to do that then Route 66.

Recently I had the opportunity to travel some of it from Illinois to Oklahoma.  While this is only a small part of it and I did not see it all it still is Americas main street.  I am a huge fan of roadside attractions.  While i am capable of pedal to the metal traveling to get you from point A to point B... I love the side roads.

From the Blue Whale of Catoosa to the apocalyptic landscape of Picher Oklahoma its all things we should experience.  There is a whole wide world out there to see and its goddamn amazing.  There is so much right in our own backyard from a car window to see.  I highly encourage you to get in your car and get out there.  He is a few photos from that trip. I am sure I will do other posts with more pics but here is a start.


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