Thursday, November 12, 2009

Feed The Fish

At the end of last February I had the opportunity to head up to Door County and do still photos on a movie set for a few days. The film is called Feed The Fish and is written and directed by Michael Matzdorff. I read the script and its awesome.

Please check out the website for the film Feed The Fish at

By the time I got there...the cast and crew had been together for a few weeks, freezing there asses off in Door County in the middle of winter. They let me slide right in and showed me how everything worked and where to go to not get in the way! Everyone was so nice and welcoming to me. It was one of the best experiences I have had. I also met alot of great people that I have become friends with including the primary still photographer Richard Steinberger ( who helped me not get yelled at and i have been able to lean on for photography questions..and sometimes a beer or two! We finally get to see the movie on November 21st up in Door County and I can not wait. Thank you to all the cast and crew for a fun time and for the chance to have this experience. I could go on for awhile with sotries and things...but I take pictures not write! Now onto the photos!

All photos can be found at

And of course check out

1 comment:

Doggy Mama said...

Hey Ty - great photos. I know what you mean about cast/crew being so welcoming. I also got to work on the film for a bit after they'd been rolling for a while. Great photos - thanks for sharing. Richard sent me the link to view it.