well have you?:) I have learned from Rachel that its ok to hug a tree every now and then. While up north in Minnesota we went to visit a place with virgin pine on it. 350 year old trees over 48 inches around. It was left this way due to a survey mistake in the 1800's. It is called the Lost Forty. Read more about it here. http://www.fs.fed.us/r9/forests/chippewa/recreation/documents/lostforty.pdf
Here are a few photos we took of a few trees to try to get the perspective of how big and tall they really are...

And here is one place where we crossed the MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI...well not so mighty here...Just a little guy still making its way from Itasca to the Gulf.

Here is another place we stopped at called Rabideau CCC Camp. It was a old CCC camp from Roosevelt New Deal Program in the 1930's. Read more about it here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabideau_CCC_Camp
Spread the word to anyone who may go to this area to stop by during the summer months its well worth it!
This is one of the restored bunk houses the men slept in.

This was there Medical Building...Also where they practiced some of there carpentry with the curved ceilings etc.

Typewriter in one of the bunk houses that was later used by the university of Illinois for dorms.

I will end it today with this beautiful picture of a sunset from Rachels parents deck.
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