I am a 37 year old who currently resides in Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin. I enjoy traveling, seeing new things and taking pictures of those new things I see! I think photography makes you slow down a little and pay attention to those things and moments that are all around.
Ok. Here are some photos from Trivia 40: Here's looking at you kid. Not some of you may not know what Trivia is. Well here in Stevens Point Wisconsin the local college radio station puts on the worlds largest trivia contest every year. 54 hours straight of trivia questions. How it works is 8 questions are asked every hour. They ask a questions play a song, repeat questions, play another song then read the answer. In those two songs you have to find the answer and call into 90FM on a phone number given when you register. You give the operator your team ID and your answer. If its right you get points ( determined by some sort of equation I do not understand). So you have teams ( 400 some) and over 10,000 players and you play all weekend in someones basement...garage...hotel room...living room..whatever. Also there is the Trivia Stone which is liek a scavanger hunt by car...running questions which are going around downtown or whevere looking for answers to questions given on a sheet of paper...and trivia photos which they ask questions about during the contest. Our team...Substation...plays in a wood shop off someones house. Perfect setup for us. It's a great time for the weekend and it will be held again next April. Visit the Trivia website at http://90fmtrivia.org/ and you can listen to 90 FM at http://www.uwsp.edu/STUORG/WWSP/. This is all a huge fundraiser essentially for 90fm. Which is a great station playing all kinds of great music. Please check it out and listen online for a bit!
Our teams website is http://www.triviaasylum.com/sub/substatn.html
This year we finished 36th out of over 400 teams.
Our team headquaters.
Tiny teaching Dan his religon lessons!
Picture questions. Smiley face means we got it right. Sad face means we got it wrong.
Also they made a documentary of it a few years ago..check out the trailer for it here. And visit the movies website at http://www.triviatownmovie.com/
Here are some photos from when Isiah was in town over his spring break. Have not done alot of posting lately as things have been very busy for me. BUT here are the pics!
No photo today. Just some sad news. My boss and friend Andy Risberg passed away this weekend at the age of 61. He had a stroke last week and was in the hospital in Marhsfield. Please keep his wife Carol and his two daughters in your thoughts and prayers. He was a good man and will be missed by many.
Things have been pretty busy here lately so I have not had time to post anything.
My photos were used for the cover of the Central Wisconsin Scene newspaper this month and in the cover article. Here are some of the photos. Check out the story here.