Last Saturday my friend Kara had a going away party at Chain O Lakes Bar and Grill. It was also a fund raiser for what she is going away for. She is traveling to Guatemala for 6 months(ish)with a group called Hearts In Motion (http://www.heartsinmotion.org). Basically they provide care and medical treatment to children and families. I believe one of the things Kara will be doing is working at a orphanage that this group built not to long ago when she was down there last. In talking to Kara she is very passionate about what the group is doing. She threw a great party Saturday and I believe raised some money for Hearts in Motion. From everything I have read and everything I have heard from Kara it sounds like such a great thing and I can tell its really touched her as well. Its a pretty cool thing and I hope that someday here I can make the trip down for a few days to help. Check out the pics below..just a few from the evening. Also check out the Hearts in Motion website. If you would like to contact Kara her email is kmurray1@hotmail.com!
Kara and a child that was adopted from Guatemala.